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Get Organized with a My Storage Unit

How To Pack Your Holiday Decorations for Storage
December 16, 2013

Once we’ve dropped off your My Storage portable unit, you can start clearing some of the clutter out of your house and yard, but it’s always a good idea to go into storing your things with a plan, or you’ll end up just moving the mess from one location to another.

Get Organized with a My Storage Unit

Once we’ve dropped off your My Storage portable unit, you can start clearing some of the clutter out of your house and yard, but it’s always a good idea to go into storing your things with a plan, or you’ll end up just moving the mess from one location to another. Organization is something so many of us strive – and fail – to achieve over and over again. Taking your time and thinking it through are the key to becoming organized once and for all.

Gather It All Together

Once we drop off your portable storage unit, gather everything you plan to place inside in one open location, such as your driveway, garage or backyard. This will allow you to see everything at once and make more informed decisions about your belongings.

Sort It Out

Now comes the really hard part, decision making. Go through all of that stuff and sort it into three sections:

  • Keep and store – Put everything in this section that you will keep and put inside your unit.
  • Toss – Place things here that are damaged beyond repair, unimportant or have no value.
  • Sell or Donate – This is where you’ll need to make big decisions. Are you ever going to use these items again? If you haven’t touched it in over six months or can’t think of a situation where the item will be useful in the near future, it’s time to let it go.

The “toss” section will be the easiest to deal with. Bag it and take it to the dumpster so it’s out of the way.

Next you’ll need to decide whether or not to have a yard sale or simply take what you no longer need to a local charity. A good suggestion would be to go ahead and have a yard sale, and whatever you don’t get rid of, haul it off to the charity rather than taking it back inside.

Once the only section left is the “keep and store” section, it’s on to the next step.

Get It Stored With Your New Portable Storage Building

Plastic bins with lids are excellent for containing smaller items for storage. They’ll be protected from mold and mildew, and if you buy the clear bins, they’ll also be easier to see. Use a permanent marker or some stick on labels to clearly identify the contents in each container.

It’s a good idea to load your storage unit in a manner that will make it easily accessible. Rotating items, such as seasonal décor, should be placed closer to the opening of the unit for easy access. You can further sort seasonal items by placing them in the order that they occur during the year. Placing fall décor with the Holiday décor will make your life easier. Once you pack your fall things away, the Holiday things will need to come out. However you decide to load your My Storage unit, make sure it makes sense to you.

Using the tips listed above can help you achieve your organizational goals in no time, and an affordable My Storage unit will get you there without breaking the bank. Contact us today to get your unit delivered.
