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Keep Your My Storage Unit Secure

How To Pack Your Holiday Decorations for Storage
December 16, 2013
Why Portable Storage is Better than Off Site Storage
February 16, 2014

Here at My Storage, we take every step possible to ensure that the structure of our units is secure. By following the steps listed above, you can rest assured that what you put into your unit will stay there until you take it out.

Keep Your My Storage Unit Secure

My Storage sheds are great for housing things like lawn equipment or seasonal décor. To help keep those things secure, use the following tips:

  • Place your storage unit in the path of an existing motion detecting flood light, or place an additional flood light on your house pointing to the shed.
  • Mark your property with your information or something that identifies you as the owner. It’s also good to keep a catalog of your more costly belongings that includes their serial numbers and photos.
  • Chain lawn equipment and bicycles together with a lock. Having all of that heavy equipment chained together will make it too much effort for a thief to want to deal with.

Here at My Storage, we take every step possible to ensure that the structure of our units is secure. By following the steps listed above, you can rest assured that what you put into your unit will stay there until you take it out.
