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Storing Plants for Winter

Three Easy Ways To Own a My Storage Unit
October 18, 2017
Vegetables to Plant Now for Fall Harvest
November 16, 2017

Gardening can be a very relaxing hobby, and a few potted perennials can keep your landscape looking good, but our harsh winters can wreak havoc on your hard work.

Storing Plants for Winter

Gardening can be a very relaxing hobby, and a few potted perennials can keep your landscape looking good, but our harsh winters can wreak havoc on your hard work. S perennials can’t withstand bitterly cold temperatures – especially when kept in pots, which don’t insulate your plant’s roots as well as the ground. That’s where My Storage comes in.

For most people, finding a place to put potted perennials can be a chore. Garage space is valuable, and we don’t all have a place inside the house to let larger plants wait out the winter months. Our 8×12.5 foot units are not only large enough to house your potted plants, but is also a convenient place to store all of the garden tools and equipment that would take up valuable space in a garage or closet.

Renting a My Storage unit is a very economical way to help your delicate plants outlast not only this winter, but several to come. Perennial plants have the ability to live for years, under the right care and conditions. For only $65 a month, you can afford to give your plants the room they need to grow.
