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Three Easy Ways To Own a My Storage Unit

Fall Yard Chores
October 16, 2017
Storing Plants for Winter
October 22, 2017

My Storage offers direct sales for our units for only $2,499. For most people, especially in this economy, that's a lot of money to spend at once. If that price is outside of your budget, we offer two great leasing programs so you can start using your unit now.

Three Easy Ways To Own a MyStorage Unit

My Storage offers direct sales for our units for only $2,499. For most people, especially in this economy, that’s a lot of money to spend at once. If that price is outside of your budget, we offer two great leasing programs so you can start using your unit now.

Standard Lease Program

For our normal set up fee, plus the first’s month’s rental payment, we will place 40% of each month’s payment in a credit account for you to use towards the purchase of your unit. The unit price is the same – $2,499, and you are free to cancel or use your rental credit and pay your balance off at anytime.

Accelerated Lease Program

If you want a more structured way to get your My Storage unit paid for, you can use our accelerated lease program. With no credit checks and no down payment, you’ll be on the fast track to owing your My Storage unit. Just check out our easy payment table and choose the one that’s right for you.

Requirements: first months rent and delivery fee*

$65 a month for 84 months
$100 a month for 36 months
$140 a month for 24 months
$250 a month for 12 months
*(Applicable fees, delivery, and tax Not Included).

With several options our portable storage units are the perfect choice now and later. Forget renting a storage locker when
