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Spring Cleaning Part One

Looking for a Utility Shed?
May 16, 2015
Spring Cleaning Part Two: Deep Cleaning the Kitchen
May 20, 2015

Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but if you follow our tips, you will come out on the other side smelling like...well, lemons. In part one of our spring cleaning and organizing series, we'll talk about how to keep from getting overwhelmed by the daunting task of cleaning your home from top to bottom.

It’s spring, and that means spring cleaning. We’ve been cooped up in the house all winter long, and with the aftermath of cold and flu season, it’s definitely left its mark on our homes. Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but if you follow our tips, you will come out on the other side smelling like…well, lemons. In part one of our spring cleaning and organizing series, we’ll talk about how to keep from getting overwhelmed by the daunting task of cleaning your home from top to bottom.

1. Don’t try to get it all done in one day.
While getting it over with seems like a good plan at first, the Band-Aid approach is not the way to go when it comes to spring cleaning. Spring lasts for three months, you have plenty of time to go at your own rate.

2. Delegate, delegate, delegate.
If you are married and have children old enough to lend a hand, give them each a task to complete. Once you’re done, you’ll all be proud of the work you accomplished, and your kids just might learn a thing or two about cleaning up after themselves.

3. Set goals.
Make a spring cleaning schedule that will fit your household, and stick to it. A great way to get larger jobs accomplished and still stay on track of every day chores is to make it a point to deep clean one room every Saturday, and then choose two other small chores, such as vacuuming or laundry, to complete that weekend as well.

4. Start small.
The simple act of straightening the shoe rack in your closet can make you want the whole thing to look just as nice.

5. “Seal” surfaces.
While you’re scrubbing spots off of your faucets, consider giving them a coat of Turtle Wax. The wax will form a protective barrier against water that will help them sparkle longer than the next tooth brushing.

6. Make a “garage sale” corner.
As you go through things, you may notice a lot of clothes that no longer fit, furniture that you don’t want, or storage closets that are filled with things you no longer need. Add them to your garage sale corner and whether you decide to just donate everything or have a sale, you’ll be more motivated to clear it out if you get it done as you go.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Use the tips above to make it an easier chore and stay tuned for the rest of the Spring Cleaing series.
