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Spring Cleaning Part Two: Deep Cleaning the Kitchen

Spring Cleaning Part One
May 16, 2015
Customizing Your Storage Unit
June 12, 2015

In past generations, kitchen were tucked away in the back of homes and shut off from the rest of the house. Now, they're the nucleus of the home – often the first thing you see when you walk in, and centrally located in the house. No matter where your kitchen is, it's important to keep it clean to keep your food safe. Keep reading for a deep cleaning task list that will have yours sparkling for months to come.

Spring Cleaning Part Two: Deep Cleaning the Kitchen

You can read Part One here.

In past generations, kitchen were tucked away in the back of homes and shut off from the rest of the house. Now, they’re the nucleus of the home – often the first thing you see when you walk in, and centrally located in the house. No matter where your kitchen is, it’s important to keep it clean to keep your food safe. Keep reading for a deep cleaning task list that will have yours sparkling for months to come.

1. Plan ahead.
In part one of our spring cleaning series, we talked about the Band-Aid approach not being the best way to get your house clean. If you’re planning to deep clean your kitchen this weekend, make sure you make it as easy as possible on yourself. Check your stock of cleaning supplies and make sure you have everything you need. Make sure the dishes get done after every meal so you will not have to clean before you clean. This is also a good time to give yourself a break during dinnertime and spend a few days eating all those leftovers that have piled up in the fridge. It’ll make it easier to clean and easier on your evenings!

2. Clean from top to bottom.
This is a page out of the cleaning 101 manual, but it never hurts to reiterate. Start with ceiling fans, crown molding and light fixtures. You’ll knock dust and debris down as you go, and starting at the top makes it easier to get all the stuff that falls picked up as you go.

3. Organize and reline your cabinets.
The fact that cabinets have doors and aren’t always visible to company makes it a prime place for disorganization (we’re looking at you, Tupperware drawer). It can’t be helped. We’re busy and don’t always have time to stack everything just so. Take the time to straighten everything up, move things you don’t use to your garage sale pile and replace any liner that has outworn its welcome.

4. Clean the dishwasher, oven and microwave.
While you’re sorting through cabinets and drawers, go ahead and multi task by getting your big appliances going.

Dump a cup or so of vinegar into the machine and run it without any dishes. This will help clean it and keep it running correctly.

If you have a self-cleaning oven, start the cycle. It will be ready when you are that way.

Throw a bowl of vinegar mixed with water into the microwave and run it for about five minutes. After it’s done, leave the door closed for a minute or two. This will soften and lift all the cooked-on grime inside and all you have to do is wipe with a damp sponge.

5. Organize the pantry.
Take a look at your pantry. Can you get to everything? Do you know what you have? Knowing what’s in your pantry cuts down on grocery costs as well as wasting food you didn’t remember you had until it went bad. Use baskets, bins and boxes to get everything organized in your pantry. Organizing by shelf is always a good idea.

While you’re at it, be aware of vegetables you have stored. Some, like potatoes and onions, don’t do well if they’re too close to one another.
6. It’s time to tackle the fridge.
You knew it was coming. Grab your trash can, fill your sink with hot, soapy water and put on your gloves. We’ve all cleaned a refrigerator before, so you know what to do. Take everything out, toss the science experiments, and scrub the shelves and drawers. Use that water you prepared in the sink to soak anything that needs it.

7. Almost done…
At this point, all you really have left to do is wipe down counter tops and the sink, then on to the floors.

8. Floors.
Grab any mats or rugs you have on the floor and go ahead and take them outside to be cleaned or toss them in the washing machine. Making sure you pull out any appliances that can be pulled out and swept behind, sweep your floors. Once you’ve done that, go ahead and mop. Once it’s dry, you can replace your mats and enjoy your spanky clean kitchen!

What’s your go-to deep cleaning method? Let us know in the comments! Need some general cleaning tips? Check out Part One here.
