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Vegetables to Plant Now for Fall Harvest

Storing Plants for Winter
October 22, 2017

Fall is just around the corner. It's time to harvest the last of our summer tomatoes and make room for some cool weather greens.

Vegetables to Plant Now for Fall Harvest

Fall is just around the corner. It’s time to harvest the last of our summer tomatoes and make room for some cool weather greens. Take a look at our list of a few fall greens to get in the ground now.

My Storage - Bok Choy for Fall

Bok Choy

Bok choy is a great green to throw into soups, salads and stir frys. It is a Chinese leafy cabbage, and is a great source of vitamins A and C. It grows best in rich, loose soil, and is planted from a seed. Once the seedlings are about four inches tall, thin the plants to about six to ten inches apart.

If planted in late summer, bok choy should be ready for harvest in about 45 to 50 days. Harvest your bok choy when it reaches twelve to eighteen inches tall, and enjoy!

My Storage - Purple Cauliflower for Fall

Purple Cauliflower

Add some color to your fall garden with some purple cauliflower. For a fall crop, start seeds outdoors around 75 days before the first expected fall frost. The ideas daytime temperatures for cauliflower plants are the 60s, which makes ripening off a crop in the fall a great way to get some fresh vegetables for the coming cold weather in this area.

My Storage - Red Acre Cabbage for Fall

“Red Acre” Cabbage

Just like your cauliflower, you’ll want to plant seeds for your Red Acre cabbage around 75 days before the first frost of the fall. Cabbage will tolerate a bit of frost, though, so you’ll have plenty of time to ripen them off. Red cabbage is great in salads and has a sweet, robust flavor.
